I am a PhD Student at UESTC, Chengdu, where I work on deep learning, image quality assessment, and computer vision, etc. I did my bachelors at UESTC .
2020, Our paper Subjective and Objective De-raining Quality Assessment Towards Authentic Rain Image has been accepted by IEEE TCSVT.
2020, Our paper Blind Tone-mapped Image Quality Assessment and Enhancement via Disentangled Representation Learning has been accepted by APSIPA 2020.
Recent Projects
10/2020 to 2021/10, Internship at Alibaba DAMO Academy. Focus on Face key points, image attribute editing, 3D image generation, multi-view generation, NERF .
I'm interested in image quality assessment ,image attribute editing, 3D image generation, multi-view generation, NERF, etc.
Conference Papers:
Blind Tone-mapped Image Quality Assessment and Enhancement via Disentangled Representation LearningAPSIPA 2020 | paper
Beyond Synthetic Data: A Blind Deraining Quality Assessment Metric Towards Authentic Rain ImageICIP 2019 | paper
Journal Papers:
Subjective and Objective De-raining Quality Assessment Towards Authentic Rain ImageIEEE TCSVT 2020 | paper
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